Your attention please: Please firstly compare the picture with your keyboard before you place an order, especially the ribbon cable (position, length and width). Make sure that the model of laptop and part number of keyboard is the right one you need as well as the layout version. If you are still not sure after a comparation, please Contact us.
Replace Toshiba Satellite C655 laptop keyboard:
Finding the right part: Used the model number of your laptop and looked for one replacement keyboard.
Disassembly: Unplug any electrical device before working on it or taking it apart and you should also remove any batteries if it runs on those. Gently pry up the plastic cover to access the screws that hold in your keyboard. Once inside remove the two screws that hold the board in place. The other side is just tabs. There is a ribbon cable under there. With the board free, carefully pry or lift the black retaining sleeve where the ribbon cable connects to the motherboard and gently pull it free.
While you've got it open: All of your items are professionally and carefully packed to ensure safe delivery.
Money-Back Guarantee: the all items have 30 days money back guarantee.
Warranty: The Toshiba Satellite C655 keyboard have 6 months warranty. If have question, you can contact us, we will redispatch a new item to you during 6 months.